#History vs Che Guevara
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skorpi0n · 20 days ago
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I have a liking for Ted Ed Che if you couldn't tell. (the shitty image quality is because I drew the image on my school iPad and took a photo of it with my phone.)
I DO NOT SUPPORT SACHA BARON COHEN, from my current understanding he's a Zionist.
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electronickingdomfox · 17 days ago
"The Cry of the Onlies" review
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Novel from 1989, by Judy Klass. A merely adequate entry, that touches upon the basics of your standard TOS episode: a complicated political situation which Kirk must resolve, a battle in space against a rogue ship, Klingons, a plot centered around Kirk with a bit of Spock and Bones, a hint of romance between Kirk and female guest character (here very subtle), etc. It's entertaining but doesn't offer a lot as a novel. Not bad, not great. The best part is probably the vivid description of the planet at hand, Boaco Six, and the details about its culture and history. The plot also serves as a sequel to episodes "Miri" (with a surprisingly dark outcome) and "Requiem for Methuselah" (with a happier resolution, and some fleshing out of the character of Flint). Contrary to what the title would suggest, I didn't find the "onlies" so central to the plot.
A pretty Kirk-centric story, Spock doesn't have a very big role in it, other than solving a problem with his customary mind-meld. McCoy, though, has some good scenes as he tells the Prime Directive to fuck off, while helping injured and sick natives with his more advanced medicine. He also tells to fuck off to some rich bitch who's visiting the planet as a "poverty tourist". Tamara Angel, the young leader of Boaco Six, serves as the "woman-of-the-week" for the story, but this time wearing guerrilla fatigues and showing a strong, idealistic personality.
Some spoilers under the cut:
The first half is slow-paced, but still interesting, as Kirk and his landing party visit the planet of Boaco Six, which has severed its ties with the Federation after a revolution against the corrupt older regime. There's a thinly veiled parallelism between Boaco Six and the developing countries in real world, which fell alternatively into the USA or USSR orbits (here, the Federation vs. the Klingon/Romulan empires). In particular, the young, rebellious leaders of Boaco Six remind a lot to figures like Che Guevara. In this case, the Federation's portrayal is less than flattering, as it turned a blind eye towards the corruption of previous dictators, for commercial benefits with the planet. And this is something that Kirk is trying to amend with his diplomatic mission to the planet. The story offers a nice examination of the Boacan culture and society through Kirk, Spock and McCoy's respective investigations. Including the horrors of the previous regime and the civil war. Nonetheless, the planet is showing encouraging signs of going into a good direction.
Problems begin in the second half, after a rogue ship (apparently of Federation design) destroys the ships of both a Boacan minister and the ambassador from the neighbouring planet. Suspecting foul play from the Federation, the leaders of Boaco Six decide to trust the Klingons and Romulans instead. And all of Kirk's efforts to smooth relations seem going to waste. As it turns out, the rogue ship is actually a Starfleet prototype, equipped with a revolutionary cloaking device, designed by none other than the immortal Flint (from "Requien for Methuselah"). I found a bit strange that the reclusive Flint would want to collaborate with Starfleet. And even stranger that this is apparently public knowledge. But okay...
This new ship has been stolen by a crazed Jahn (the weird boy from "Miri") and a couple other "onlies", while it was stationed in their planet. And there's more trauma for Kirk, as he discovers that his mission to Miri's planet was anything but successful. The Federation experts sent to take care of the onlies were abusive and manipulative with the children (even using a modified version of the chair from "Dagger of the Mind" on them), and this made Jahn highly unstable and dangerous. The onlies are now in a desperate escape, and destroying any ship that comes their way, afraid of everyone and everything.
Thus, it's up to Kirk to stop the carnage, clear the name of the Federation in the Boacan incident, and save the children if possible. Flint agrees to help, cracking his own impenetrable cloaking device, and in the process, his story and that of the onlies entwine in a moving resolution.
Spirk Meter: 5/10*. Though infrequent, there seems to be a lowkey K/S shipping from this author. Spock is said to be very on edge and worried whenever Kirk's in trouble, something that it's explained by his empathy with the Captain due to their mind-melds. A great deal is also made of Spock erasing Kirk's memories of Rayna. When McCoy asks him why he did so, Spock can't answer. And later, Spock confesses to Kirk in an awkward scene, with echoes of the biology talk in "Amok Time". Kirk takes the erasure surprisingly well, though, as "there was only one soul in the universe who Kirk trusted enough, from whom he could accept such news without anger or protest". It's also said that "what the stiff and clumsy instruments of language could not express was understood between them. What was not understood was felt."
Less obvious, there's a bit of McKirk as well. McCoy is pained by the reappearance of Flint in Kirk's life, and the damage this could do to the already troubled Captain. His outburst against Spock at the end of "Requiem" is explained by his frustration and worry, seeing Kirk so depressed and Spock so aloof about it. At the end, there's an intimate scene between Kirk and McCoy in the ship's observatory, where they drink together and discuss Kirk's loneliness as a starship captain, and how he must leave every girl behind... Perhaps McCoy is offering himself as an alternative?
On the other hand, Spock and McCoy's relationship is very confrontational in this book. They don't seem to do anything but argue, though Spock confides in McCoy to keep his secret about Rayna's memories.
*A 10 in this scale is the most obvious spirk moments in TOS. Think of the back massage, "You make me believe in miracles", or "Amok Time" for example.
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a-room-of-my-own · 1 year ago
I recently got in quite an argument, well more like a fight, with a couple of probably ex-or maybe not, who knows- friends over this whole Palestine and Israel situation; simply cause I said that I feel for the civilians from Israel and for stating that Hamas are the bad guys...and like they were all "so you don't support Palestine? You're pro genocide?"...are people really this dense? And they kept going on about holding Israel responsible and kept mentioning how many people from Palestine died, and how long it's been happenning, etc... In the end I gave up and told them they're free to think whatever they wanna about me; we were never close anyway.
But it got me thinking; I keep seeing those same arguments: if you're not saying you're pro Palestine then that means you're against them and you're pro genocide, people making fun of those that are for both sides, people saying Israel should be held responsible--and like what is that about? I mean, I know what they mean by that but they never really mention what those responisibilities are when asked, again I know, we all know what they mean, but they should just come out and say it outright--, they keep going on and on how "it's not about Hamas, people use them as an excuse to be pro Israel and against Palestine", and many other similar arguments; and I'm sitting here like, are people really that dense? I mean, I dunno how to quite put it, but they all seem to be looking at it from the black and white, us vs them lense, and some even make me think with the way they're speaking about it--and tell me if it's just me--as if they're living in some YA Dystopian novel and I can't help but wonder do they even think about what they're saying, or are they just saying what they think makes them look like good people? Are they even looking at this from the human perspective? Or is this just their way of showing the world how good they are?
Ahhh sorry this got long.😅 But yeah, I'm just tired honestly.
I think for many it’s exactly what you described, most people I hear having very polarized opinions on the subject don’t really know it and never took the time to read about it. I can’t even say I know it well, just that I know the history of the region well enough to understand it’s a very complex conflict.
In the past other conflicts were used as symbols of West vs South, but they all ended. In my country - and others - what would be now called the woke left supported the USSR, president Mao, the Red Khmers, Castro, Che Guevara (this one they still do - though no Che Guevara fan knows what the guy really did) etc because they were supposed to be these great freedom fighters against the Capitalist West.
When they understood what these people had done they discreetly dropped them and moved on. It was never actually about supporting a country and its plight for freedom but simply about posturing.
Funnily enough in the 2000s many of them came out as neocons and publicly supported George W Bush’s wars. 9/11 was so traumatic for the West that they suddenly remembered what it meant to support armed militias that vowed to destroy it.
I think the same is happening with Israel. For now people feel safe enough to advocate for ethnic cleansing. But if one day terrorists in America used the same arguments to butcher American people in their homes, none of them would cheer the « Resistance » now, would they?
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marshmallow--3 · 8 months ago
Epic Rap Battles of History raps I'm hoping they perform tonight (in no particular order):
1) Jack the Ripper vs Hannibal Lecter
2) Albert Einstein vs Stephen Hawking
3) Ragnar Lodbrok vs Richard the Lionheart (I'm just a warrior, I'm not a linguist, but I think the King of England should probably speak English)
4) Darth Vader vs Adolf Hitler (a classic, can't do a show without one of the three battles)
5) Master Chief vs Leonidas (your puny fans are fat nerds on computers, jerking off to games, giving 'emselves first-person shooters)
6) Blackbeard vs Al Capone (I'm the emcee assassin, slash like Edward Kenway, raps so hard call me Al Dente)
7) The Joker vs Pennywise
8) Che Guevara vs Guy Fawkes (this very battle disproves your communist initiative, THESE RHYME SKILLS ARE NOT EVENLY DISTRIBUTED)
9) Ash Ketchum vs Charles Darwin (yo um real quick, this dude spent 8 years studying barnacle dick... kick it!)
Ones that would be incredible if they performed but the logistics of performing it would be difficult:
1) Ivan the Terrible vs Alexander the Great (features a lot of characters and female vocals playing Catherine the Great)
2) Ronald McDonald vs The Burger King (features female vocals playing Wendy)
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zon-power-god-man-blog · 2 years ago
History vs. Che Guevara - Alex Gendler
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notahorseindisguise · 1 year ago
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just googled them and you misunderstand. i dont want nerd shit rhymes as in internet culture i want nerd shit rhymes as in who would win in a rap battle between historical figure vlad the impaler and literary figure count dracula. who is the better rapper, man who tried to blow up the british parliament, guy fawkes? or prominent argentinian marxist with a hand in the cuban revolution che guevara? we're talking frederick douglas rapping against thomas jefferson. the ghostbusters vs the mythbusters. donald trump vs ebeneezer fucking scrooge. GHANDI VS MLK. MOSES VERSUS SANTA CLAUS (FEATURING SNOOP DOGG BTW). ASH KETCHUM VS CHARLES DARWIN. DO YOU GUYS NOT SEE THE APPEAL OF EPIC RAP BATTLES OF HISTORY
sorry epic rap battles of history is just everything i love rolled into one. dumb nerdy history shit mixed with clever nerd rhymes and references like. why isnt it a bigger thing on tumblr actually
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humanveil · 4 years ago
thank you, @celta-diabolica for the tag! ❀❀
zodiac: taurus
height: 175ish cm
last thing i googled: 5'9 in cm
song stuck in my head: don’t know if it counts but the fucking che guevara vs guy fawkes epic rap battle of history 
number of followers: 2.6kish 
amount of sleep: sometimes ten minutes sometimes twenty-two hours... it’s a game of chance 
lucky number: 13 or 7
favourite song: countdown by versio and visions consistently shows up in my top 3 most played so, that. 
favourite instrument: i think the harp is sexy but i have no musical talent
dream job: i do not dream of labour.jpg
aesthetic: cryptic
favourite author: hmmmm dostoevsky, maybe. also fond of margaret atwood & richard siken.
favourite animal noises: the little sigh/humph my old dog used to make 😭
random: i don’t know how to ride a bike. 
tagging @wisp-of-a-spook @hennwilson @sapphicathenas @marshmallowmcgonagall if you would like to!
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mrkilroi · 4 years ago
Watch "Guy Fawkes vs Che Guevara. Epic Rap Battles of History." on YouTube
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schraubd · 5 years ago
Best Epic Rap Battles of History (By Season)
Look, we're all bored here, so let's award the best Epic Rap Battles of History for each season. Season One Winner: Albert Einstein vs. Stephen Hawking Honorable Mentions: Dr. Seuss vs. Shakespeare, Napoleon vs. Napoleon The season that started it all. Honestly, though, I think only Einstein vs. Hawking can compete with the stronger entrants in later seasons. The creators -- reasonably enough! -- were still finding their rhythm (get it?). Season Two Winner: Michael Jackson vs. Elvis Runner-up: Rasputin vs. Stalin Honorable Mentions: Steve Jobs vs. Bill Gates, Cleopatra vs. Marilyn Monroe Now we're cooking. The kid who plays young Michael Jackson was superb, and carries his battle to victory. The Rasputin vs. Stalin (vs. Lenin vs. Gorbachev vs. Putin) battle was strong almost top-to-bottom (only Gorbachev was a bit of a sour note for me). Jobs vs. Gates was a ton of a fun (remember those Mac vs. PC ads?). And Cleopatra vs. Monroe was a superb all-women battle with some truly vicious disses. Freddie Mercury's performance over Frank Sinatra was also a stand-out, but he won so convincingly the battle was actually too one-sided to make this list. Season Three Winner: Isaac Newton vs. Bill Nye Runner-up: Edgar Allen Poe vs. Stephen King Honorable Mention: Bob Ross vs. Pablo Picasso  It's tough to top getting Weird Al in one of these (though if Neil deGrasse Tyson had actually played himself -- which I've heard he was willing to do -- it would have been even cooler). Stephen King has one of the best closing lines in the whole series. Bob Ross vs. Picasso is relatively light, but consistent all the way through. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles vs. their namesake Renaissance Artists was good, but the performance was a little short. I also suspect I'm virtually alone in thinking that Miley Cyrus beat Joan of Arc (and pretty decisively, frankly). Season Four Winner: Stan Lee vs. Jim Henson Runner-up: Western Philosophers vs. Eastern Philosophers Honorable Mention: Ellen vs. Oprah If you forced me to pick my absolute, all-time favorite, I'd probably go with Lee vs. Henson -- but it'd be torture. If you asked to pick me single favorite verse, though, it'd be Walt Disney's intervention in Lee vs. Henson -- and it would not be close. It's brilliant from start to finish (and, to be clear, compliments very strong work from Lee and Henson). As a political theorist, I found the philosophy battle hilarious. Ellen vs. Oprah is also a very good, evenly matched battle (and one of the few "clean" ones on ERB). Season Five Winner: George R.R. Martin vs. J.R.R. Tolkien Runner-up: Gordon Ramsay vs. Julia Child Honorable Mentions: Tony Hawk vs. Wayne Gretzky, Ash Ketchum vs. Charles Darwin This was an absolutely loaded season -- I think clearly ERB's strongest overall. Tolkien's final verse where he works in all the titles of the Lord of the Rings is just masterful. I'm a dedicated Gordon Ramsay fan but Julia Child completely kicked his ass. Tony Hawk's incredible first verse is matched by Wayne Gretzky's brutal last verse. And Darwin has one of the great one-liners of all-time calling Ash "Mighty Morphin' Michael Vick." All that talent means a ton of tracks I love don't even make it onto the honorable mentions list here: (Daniel Craig) James Bond vs. Austin Powers, Ivan the Terrible versus various "the Greats", Wonder Women versus Stevie Wonder, and Winston Churchill versus Theodore Roosevelt are all superb. Season Six Winner: Guy Fawkes vs. Che Guevara Runner-up: Elon Musk vs. Mark Zuckerberg Honorable Mention: Ronald McDonald vs. The Burger King This was a shaky season on the whole, but Fawkes vs. Guevara is one of the best in the entire series -- a distinction based primarily around the dead-on Che Guevara portrayal (who knew he also looks exactly like John Snow), but certainly with an impressive toe-to-toe performance from Fawkes. Musk vs. Zuckerberg has a wonderful subtle gag running through it in that Mark "I don't even fucking blink" Zuckerberg in fact never blinks during the whole video. The McDonald vs. Burger King rap sneaks into honorable mention, but not due to either of the titular characters -- Wendy steal the show. Wendy's the company actually tweeted about the rap, which is a bit gutsy given their mascot's line about how she's "exploiting you both like you were growing my tomatoes." via The Debate Link https://ift.tt/2UIgUFU
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neutralgamer48 · 5 years ago
Epic Rap Battles of History : Guy Fawkes vs Che Guevara
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memecucker · 5 years ago
they're still fucking making epic rap battles of history. they've been at it for 9 years and they're still going. they did guy fawkes vs che guevara. what the fuck
the most high-key internet normie thing about me is that i had an erb phase
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louanja · 5 years ago
I was tagged by the lovely @scorpio-skies ty! ♄ Rules are shuffle your playlist and list the first 10 songs so let’s see what’s in ma jukebox tonight!
1. Just Got Paid - Sigala, Ella Eyre, Meghan Trainor
2. Electricity - Silk City, Dua Lipa, ft. Diplo, Mark Ronson
3. bad guy - Billie Eilish
5. Centuries - Fall Out Boy
6. Warriors - Imagine Dragons
7. Happier - Marshmello ft. Bastille
8. Guy Fawkes vs Che Guevara - Epic Rap Battles of History (lol)
9. LSD - Thunderclouds - Sia, Diplo, Labrinth
10.  Ooh La La - Goldfrapp
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lovewallfloweroftheinternet · 6 years ago
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amostexcellentblog · 7 years ago
You ever think about how Andrew Llyod Webber tried to milk even more money out of his Phantom of the Opera behemoth with a sequel, Love Never Dies, that literally nobody wanted and made absolutely no sense, and the thing was such a train wreck it never even got a Broadway production? I mean, how much do you have to fuck up to get to a point where the sequel to the longest running Broadway show ever can’t get a Broadway production?
Honestly, when you do think about it you realize how lucky we are that this didn’t work out, because if it did we’d have to deal with ALW churning out cash grab sequels to all his big hits:
Jesus Christ: The Comeback Tour: Christ’s resurrection reimagined as a glam-rock spectacle, think of all the amateur church group performances people would have to suffer through every Easter.
Isabella: Rock opera based on the life of Isabel Peron, from her days as an impoverished nightclub dancer to her time as mistress and third wife of exiled dictator Juan Peron, their time in Spain where she is forced to care for and brush the hair of her predecessor’s corpse--which Juan insists on keeping in their dining room, their eventual return to Argentina as president and first lady/vice-president, his death and her time as the world’s first female president, her falling under the Rasputin-like influence of Jose Lopez Rega, her attacks on dissenters and erosion of civil liberties, and her eventual overthrow in a military coup. 
All the while she’s haunted by the shadow of her predecessor, which is made worse because Eva takes on the role of narrator/critic here that Che Guevara had, for some reason, been to her. Come for the ridiculously complicated vocals, stay for the shameless butchering of Argentine history! (Actually who am I kidding? This show sounds amazing and I would be obsessed with it if it were real)
Dogs: Does it even have a plot? Or characters? Just people in trashy dog costumes singing and dancing. It makes all the money somehow.
Starlight Express vs the MTA: Those singing and dancing trains take on the most evil train system in the world--NYC’s subway! Everyone says they can’t believe how much they loved it, while waiting under the east river for 30 minutes until those damn signal problems are fixed.
Norma Desmond Never Dies: Supposedly recovered from her breakdown, but humiliated and ashamed of her aging appearance, the silent film star Norma Desmond is presumed dead, but in reality she takes up residence in the sound stages on the Paramount lot. Hiding her face and communicating only through the studio’s mysterious janitor, Max. She lives a lonely life, manipulating productions, demanding pay-offs to keep her from causing mayhem on set, sneaking through the lot unseen via the rafters and the conveniently located underground lake. Until one day she falls in love with an an aspiring actor, whom she coaches in performance techniques from the shadows, until one day he falls in love with his childhood... Heeeeeyyy, Wait a Minute!
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arctimon · 3 years ago
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dstrachan · 3 years ago
‘VIEWS FROM THE EDGE’ - w/c 24th January 2022
Betty Davis ‘Come Take Me’
Spinnerette ‘Driving Song’
Scouting For Girls ‘The VW Campervan Summer Song’
The Beach Boys ‘Never Learn Not To Love’
Manic Street Preachers ‘Australia’
Epic Rap Battles Of History ‘Guy Fawkes vs, Che Guevara’
Iggy Pop ‘Brick By Brick’
Gloria Estefan & Miami Sound Machine ‘Love Toy’
Runrig ‘Year Of The Flood’
Stereo Assassin ‘Play On’
Big Country ‘In A Big Country’
The Simon Hough Band ‘Miners’ Toil’
Work & Weather ‘Still Here’
Bananrama ‘Robert De Niro’s Waiting’
The Simon Hough Band ‘The Tramp’
Cado Belle ‘That Kind Of Fool’
The Simon Hough Band ‘Rock Jazz & Poetry’
Shit Robot ‘Take ‘Em Up’
Misty In Roots ‘Musi O Tunya’
Sydaiya Rehema ‘Plenty Love’
The Simon Hough Band ‘In The City’
Sly & The Family Stone ‘Stand’
The Simon Hough Band ‘Blinded’
Madisyn Whajne ‘Never Give In’
The Simon Hough Band ‘Coming Home’
Freemasons Feat. Bailey Tzuke ‘Uninvited’
Puretone ‘Addicted To Bass (Apollo 440 Mix)’
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